Snow Removal
LaFond Landscaping takes pride in its snow removal services. We offer many different services to accommodate different properties. We are experienced in dealing with tight areas in Lake George and surrounding areas, no property is too big or small. Flexible scheduling is available, we are available 24/7 to adhere to the customers needs. We also offer emergency services to existing and new customers if the need arises. In tight areas road widening is included in the regular price when accumulation gets high, eliminating snow banks and hazardous driving conditions when pulling out of your driveway.
Tired of your current plow company not getting out of the truck to shovel your walkways? We do! We always shovel walkways and in front of garage doors.
Tired of your current plow company not getting out of the truck to shovel your walkways? We do! We always shovel walkways and in front of garage doors.